
@杨琦18159474181 求250字左右《美丽心灵》英文读后感,非常非常急! -
******4784相力[答案] The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash,Jr.,a mathematician and Nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia.The film gives us a unique first person perspective of the disease,drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what Nash ...

@杨琦18159474181 求一篇800字以上的《美丽心灵》的英文观后感. -
******4784相力[答案] The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash,Jr.,a mathematician and Nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia.The film gives us a unique first person perspective of the disease,drawing us ...

@杨琦18159474181 美丽心灵 观后感求英文电影《美丽心灵》的英文观后感,英文的! -
******4784相力[答案] 读后感1: "A Beautiful Mind" is an exceptional story,but it is only and exceptional film because of its director.Ron Howard ... rarely looking anyone in the eye,but pours all of his energy - and soul - into producing one original idea,an idea that will ...

@杨琦18159474181 美丽心灵英文观后感60字 -
******4784相力 Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia. This affliction slowly takes over his mind and we watch as his life crumbles apart around him. He ...

@杨琦18159474181 大家对电影《美丽心灵》的感想?
******4784相力 有一股非凡的力量和驱动力

@杨琦18159474181 求一篇a beautiful mind观后感 -
******4784相力 Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia. This affliction slowly takes over his mind and we watch as his life crumbles apart around him. He ...

@杨琦18159474181 谁能给我一个 美丽心灵 的观后感 要英语的谁能给我一个 美丽心灵 的观后感 要英语的 也不要太长 最好写一篇那种就行了 -
******4784相力[答案] 一篇:Nominated for eight Academy Awards, and winner of four Oscars including Best Picture, A Beautiful Mind is one of the premier dramas of the decade. The brainchild of popular director Ron Howard (...

@杨琦18159474181 求一篇800字以上的《美丽心灵》的英文观后感.
******4784相力<A Beautiful Mind>Is a true genius on a very human drama. The story is about a true story of a mad genius. think Nash's "A Beautiful Mind" is that he beat himself. And here's another one equally beautiful soul, that is his wife. The most difficult ...

@杨琦18159474181 观一部心理影片,结合自己所学心理学知识和原理写出感想. -
******4784相力 答:可以先观看《美丽心灵》(A beautiful mind),运用弗洛伊德的无意识理论及由本我、自我、超我组成的人格理论来分析该片,才能理解其意义.要不然,你会看不懂该片的.在该片中,纳什则为自我,其室友则为本我,而室友的女儿则为超我.这样你就能看懂该片了.

@杨琦18159474181 求250字左右《美丽心灵》英文读后感,在线等! -
******4784相力 The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., a mathematician and Nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia. The film gives us a unique first person perspective of the disease, drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what ...
