
@百友15539489986 听说粤菜很美味,我想尝试下. 用英语怎么说
******4005姓肩 I heard about that Cantonese cuisine is very delicious, so I want to try. 希望可以帮到你!

@百友15539489986 翻译:我奶奶想尝试一下英语学习 -
******4005姓肩 My grandma wants to try English learning.

@百友15539489986 翻译成英语1.虽然天很冷,但是我们还是想出去玩2.请尝试一下少吃一些肉3.你必须尽力帮助其他同学 -
******4005姓肩[答案] 1.虽然天很冷,但是我们还是想出去玩 Although the day was cold,but we still want to play outside 2.请尝试一下少吃一些肉 Please try eating little meat 3.你必须尽力帮助其他同学 You have to make effort to help other students

@百友15539489986 (看别人爬山没什么乐趣,我自己想尝试一下)翻译成英语?
******4005姓肩 Watching others climb not much fun, I want to try

@百友15539489986 我上初三了,初一初二都没学什么英语,现在英语很差,想学新概念英语,的从哪里开始?谢谢! -
******4005姓肩 我是一个高考的过来人.首先我想请阁下明白一个道理冰冻三尺非一日之寒,所以坚持很重要,英语是一门很看重积累的科目. 虽然我高考已经好多年了,而且今年即将大学毕业,踏入社会.但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英...

@百友15539489986 让我们尝试一下英语怎么念?
******4005姓肩 Let's give it a try 读作:来此给乌额踹

@百友15539489986 英语作文想尝试一种外国食物 -
******4005姓肩 Healthy eating As we all know,health is very important.So we should have a balanced diet.Well,for breakfast,we should eat some bread,drink some milk and so on.I think it's a great way to keep fit and it's also a delicious meal for us.For lunch and ...

@百友15539489986 谁可以帮我翻译这段话“我今天敢站在这里,理由很简单.我想要李阳老师的那些书.我知道,我的英语很差,发音也不标准,但是我还是想尝试一下.”拜托!很急用
******4005姓肩 The reason why i am standing here is simple.i want to get the books writing by Mr. LI.I know,my English is poor and my pronouncation is unformal,but i just want to try.

@百友15539489986 (看别人爬山没什么乐趣?(看别人爬山没什么乐趣,我自己想尝试一下
******4005姓肩 It's no fun for me to see other people climbing mountain, I want to try本人在线专业为你翻译、正确率可保证还有问题尽管问别忘记采纳哦、谢谢

@百友15539489986 英语翻译请帮个忙,帮我把下面的汉字翻译成英语 要翻译得好一点才行 因为我要竞选班长.从小到大我都没当过班长,所以一直想尝试一下.我相信我有这个能... -
******4005姓肩[答案] From infancy to maturity I have not worked as class leader,therefore has wanted to attempt.I believed that I have this ability to hope schoolmates elect me .
