
@芮春19811753983 急 寻英语高考书信格式范文 多来几篇. -
******561长严 dear... : it has been a long time since we met last time. i miss you a lot. how is everything going? tell you a good news. i got a new job. you know,i worked far away home before and its a tiring job, which is not fit for me i think. thats why i wanna ...

@芮春19811753983 英语作文书信的格式,最好有范文. -
******561长严 Dear My Friend,How are you? Do you want to know about my English study?OK,I will tell you.I study English at Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.I study JianQiao English.And,last Saterday I took part in the Public English Test.I think I can pass.And,...

@芮春19811753983 高中英语书面表达各类书信的格式(范本)如道歉信、建议信、投诉信、感谢信等 -
******561长严[答案] 文:(“_”表示空格) 敬爱的XX(或亲爱的,等): __(正文) ——————————————————————— ... _______________________(日期 又及:(注:手写书信,在写完以上内容后又想起有内容要写时用) __(内容)

@芮春19811753983 高一英语作文写信范文 -
******561长严 Build a Harmonious Society Dear fellow students, Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do ? First of all, we should love our ...

@芮春19811753983 用英文写一封信(万能开头结尾的)用英文写一封信 请带上中文翻译 主要开头结尾 中间的内容问所谓 谢谢 -
******561长严[答案] Dear Ming Li, How are you? Our class recently had a new student,a British girl.She is very different with us on appearance and habits.She is gorgeous!She has a pair of blue eyes,and fantastic blond hair.Her favorite food is lasagna,a kind of Italian food,...

@芮春19811753983 高考英语书信作文万能开头结尾,典型句子!要有翻译的!谢谢了!请勿灌水!谢谢! 要有新意! -
******561长严[答案] 开头:1.How is it going? 最近怎么样?2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信.3.You asked me about(+problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我.,现在,让我给你一...

@芮春19811753983 有木有高考英语书信方面的写作模板分享? -
******561长严 英语书信的正确格式,第一段开头都是顶格写的,但从第二段开始开头要空两格,所以说,如果你的作文只有一段,顶格写没问题,如果分段了,第一段顶格写没问题,第二、第三段如果全都顶格写了...肯定要扣分,而且这样写你自己也应该会感觉别扭的吧...

@芮春19811753983 求高考英语作文万能句型? -
******561长严其实本来是个word文档,可惜不知道怎么发给你,就用复制的了.一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I'm glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I'm ...

@芮春19811753983 英语书信的写作格式是怎样的?
******561长严 英语书信,在形式上可分为下面六个部分: 1、信头(The Heading):包括发信人地址和写信日 期. 2、受信者(Inside Address):包括受信人姓名、地址. 3、称谓(...
