
@聂垄19556488232 英语翻译1你需要更多地锻炼,更少的看电视并吃健康的食物2我的搭档每天看一个半小时的电视3饭后,我爷爷很少躺在沙发上4他多久步行上学一次?很少5... -
******388杨贞[答案] 1你需要更多地锻炼,更少的看电视并吃健康的食物You need to do more excercise,watch less TV and eat healthy food.2我的搭档每天看一个半小时的电视My parterner watches TV for half an hour everyday.3饭后,我爷...

@聂垄19556488232 英语翻译两百年后人会更少.明年你将住在北京吗?她后天不会回来.你多久以后吃晚饭?今后将有一次运动会. -
******388杨贞[答案] There will be fewer people in 200 years. Will you live in Beijing next year? She won't come back the day after tomorrow. How soon will you have dinner? There will be a sports meeting in future.

@聂垄19556488232 我现在必须打扫教室吗的英语我现在必须打扫教室吗吃苹果是一种好的饮食习惯你每隔多久给你的笔友写信一周一次你需要一些帮助吗是的我需要帮助我学英... -
******388杨贞[答案] Must I clean the classroom now? It's a good habit to eat apples. How often do you write to your pen friend? Once a week. Do you need some help? Yes,I do. My English is really good. I want him to finish the homework this week. 希望对你有用.

@聂垄19556488232 您好医生八个月宝宝一周吃几次肉类好,如果缺铁吃什么辅食... -
******388杨贞 病情分析:将龙爪叶去皮,捣烂,拌蜂蜜,每日2匙,可治:气管炎,哮喘. 对芦荟的药物研究证明,它作为药物主要有以下作用:①通便利肠 芦荟能促进动物的...
