
@车欢18721764917 英语翻译"我们班的班规"在上课时不能听音乐,在上课时不能睡觉,在上课时不能看小说,在上课时不能做家庭作业,在上课时不能发呆.以上就是我们班的... -
******6277尉英[答案] "Our class class rules" In the class does not listen to music, In the class can not sleep, In the class can not read novels, In the class can not do homework, In the class can not be a trance. These are the classes in our class rules.

@车欢18721764917 英语 班规 例如:1.You can't go home late after class. 2.You mustn't eat in class 急!!!! -
******6277尉英 1、You can't fight in school.2、You can't listen to music in school.3 、You can't late for schooi.

@车欢18721764917 五年级英语班规(急!!!!!!) -
******6277尉英 You shouldn't littering.你不能乱扔垃圾.You shouldn't quarrel. 你不能吵闹.You shouldn't fight. 你不能打架.

@车欢18721764917 求英语班规 一条一条的!!!快 -
******6277尉英 1. Don't run in the classroom !2. Don't speak Chinese in the English class !3. Don't eat or drink in the class !4. Don't play in the class !

@车欢18721764917 用英文写几条班规如题.还有翻译 -
******6277尉英[答案] 在里输入“英文班规”四字,会有很多的!

@车欢18721764917 请用英语写一下班规
******6277尉英 1. You are to be in class on time. 2. Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the room. 3. Books, pencil/pen, and paper is to be brought to class every day. 4. Class work and homework is to be handed in on time. 5. Listen to the instructions and ...

@车欢18721764917 用英语写班规 -
******6277尉英 Don't talk with other students in class.Don't eat food in the classroom.Don't throw litters out of the window.Don't wear the strange clothes.Don't be late for school.Don't speak to teacher impolitely.Don't get ears pieced.You must do your homework everyday.够了吧,累死我了,呵呵

@车欢18721764917 用英语写十条家规和十条校规 -
******6277尉英 1.Don't run in the hallway. 2.Don't eat in class. 3.Don't play in class

@车欢18721764917 英语作文班规 -
******6277尉英 Class Rules Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can't have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If ...

@车欢18721764917 英语作文我们的班规 -
******6277尉英 Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can't have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroo...
