
@佴苇18490956802 He doesn't strike me as half good enough for a girl of your… what was it? Your passion for living -
******4235禹牲 这样的翻译很好啊.对于像你这样对生活充满热情的女孩来说,他一半儿好都不够!strike在这里是给...留下深刻印象;half+形容词指一种状态的一半好;“He doesn't strike me as half good enough”直译过来就是:他没有给我留下哪怕(对你这样的女孩来说)有一半好的印象.

@佴苇18490956802 she has always had a lot of 热情 for her work 这里的热 -
******4235禹牲 She has always had a lot of PASSION for her work.

@佴苇18490956802 27. He has had an extraordinary - ----- - for Shakespeare since his childhood. -
******4235禹牲 C~ for 对…的激情:his all-consuming passion for her他对她痴狂的激情

@佴苇18490956802 for和to的用法:She had deep love - ______ - her mother.A.for B.to二者都可以表示“对于”,有什么区别?请举例详细说明! -
******4235禹牲[答案] 此题选A.“对...的爱”是love for... 又如:I doubt whether her love for James is true or not. 事实上很多与个人感情、喜好有关的词,如passion等常与for搭配,表示感情喜好、憎恶的对象.如: I have a passion for computer games. 此处love不与to搭配....

@佴苇18490956802 I didn't think I had a passion(激情). I would sit in front of the TV all day thinking about nothing but the next show. It was not long ago that I first learned how ... -
******4235禹牲[答案]【小题1】A 【小题1】A 【小题1】D 【小题1】C 【小题1】B[来

@佴苇18490956802 比亚迪F0和夏利A+选哪个好 -
******4235禹牲 我觉得还是F0好,年轻时尚,关键是这个车的保养比夏利的方便和便宜.而且F0保值还是不错的.看看吧.祝你购车愉快.

@佴苇18490956802 黄金分割法matlab程序错误 -
******4235禹牲 1. 亲,你要把golden函数写在一个单独的golden.m中,然后再写一个main.m调用之,不要混在一起写.示例(main.m): a=-3; b=5; e=0.00001; f=@(x)x^2+2*x; xmin=golden(f,a,b,e)2. 在golden中,fmin=subs(f,xmin) 句改成fmin=f(x);更好些.其余调用f的地方也是. 3. a1和a2这两个量在函数中没定义过.请更正.

@佴苇18490956802 As a good crayy,must have a passion for games什么意思
******4235禹牲作为一个好的疯狂者,必须对游戏有热情 crayy 是疯狂的意思 我说不清楚有点只能意会不能言传的意思 希望对你有帮助

@佴苇18490956802 英语,改错题,请给出详细的原因
******4235禹牲 1. for-of (你问这样的问题你真蠢.) It is +adj. + for sb to do 强调做某事对某人来说是怎么样的 It's important for us to keep fit.保持健康对我们来说是重要的.(事情重要) It is +adj. + of sb to do强调某人做某事,某人怎么样 It is kind of you to ...
