
@褚服17252889625 翻译《mother》 -
******6214鲁波 当你18岁,她大声说你高中graduation.You感谢她留了聚会到天亮. 当你19岁,她付出的大学学费,将您的校园,并进行您的袋子.你感谢她,说再见外的宿舍,让您would't受窘前面的你的朋友. 当你20岁,她问你是否看到 anyone.You感谢她...

@褚服17252889625 别唠叨我!怎么译!用mother这个单词
******6214鲁波 -_-?楼主是想说"妈!不要唠叨我!"吗?如果是这样,那就是:"mother! don't nag me!" nag=不停的说,不停的指责.

@褚服17252889625 英语翻译My mother's mother,my grandmother Dolores,was known as Lola.怎么安排语序? -
******6214鲁波[答案] 直译:我母亲的母亲,我的祖母德洛丽丝,被人称作劳拉. 意译:我的祖母德洛丽丝,被人称为劳拉.

@褚服17252889625 我的妈妈翻译成英文 -
******6214鲁波 “我的妈妈”的英文翻译是:(1)My mom (2)My mother

@褚服17252889625 母亲节的翻译究竟是Mother's Day还是Mothers' Day?还是两种全对?圣诞节的翻译Christmas ,要不要加Day? -
******6214鲁波[答案] 母亲节是mother's day 圣诞节 直接说 christmas

@褚服17252889625 英语翻译这位母亲正在给她的小孩子们讲故事 英语翻译 The mother - __ - ___ - ___ - ___ - ___ - her young childten. -
******6214鲁波[答案] is telling a story to

@褚服17252889625 英语翻译It was Mother's Day ,the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do.But I'll admit that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me.As ... -
******6214鲁波[答案] 翻译结束的.绝对自己翻译.SO 请放心... It was Mother's Day ,the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do.But I'll admit that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me.As a single mother I tended to think of my shortcomings----how ...

@褚服17252889625 英语翻译比如MOUSE读猫屎.帮我翻译下面的英文:Those Father Grandfather the Mother grandmother Mouth Fourth Feather This Think Thumd 上面的都翻译... -
******6214鲁波[答案] 这对你学英文没帮助的,昨天是不是也是你在请人标中文注音啊?奏资,发则儿,哥软的发则儿,则 妈则儿,哥软的妈则儿,猫斯,发啊儿斯,非爱则儿,资一一丝,丝应课,最后一个词应该是Thumb吧,写都写错读:萨啊母

@褚服17252889625 英语翻译he was a devoted son to his mother,who died after much suffering in 1907.怎么翻译最符合汉语的表达习惯? -
******6214鲁波[答案] 他是一个孝子,他敬爱的妈妈在1907年历经磨难而去世. 相信你们老师肯定叫你们写作文的时候要求写长句,先写主句,然后再对不同成分补从句进行修饰. 那英翻中时就可以反过来,将主从句分成多个句子翻译. 这是因为中文和英语的语言结构是不...

@褚服17252889625 mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means.这句话怎么翻译 -
******6214鲁波[答案] mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means 妈妈总是教导我生活节俭,量入为出.
