坐车要多少钱 用英语怎么说

How much is it to take the car?希望你能采纳,以鼓励我继续解答其他问题。

How much money will we ride

How much money take the bus?


很简单,“How much?”

"One dollar per ride"

"One dollar per ride"

"One dollar per ride"

#15545464109# 83元到88之间用英语怎么说老外问多少钱,我想回答83到88之间,这句话怎么说 - ******
#淳毅#[答案] 83to88yuan

#15545464109# 我没有足够的钱坐出租车用英语怎么说 - ******
#淳毅# I don't have enough money to take a taxi 望采纳

#15545464109# 花了我们两个小时坐车的英语单词怎么说? - ******
#淳毅# 花费: 1. take : It takes somebody some time to do something . 2. spend:somebody spend ... (in ) doing sth .somebody spend ... on sth . 3. pay : somebody pay (...) for ... 4. cost : sth cost ... 此处的花费应该是选择第一个句型:It takes us two hours to take the bus .

#15545464109# 这些东西多少钱?译成英文 - ******
#淳毅#[答案] 这些东西多少钱? How much are these things? =How much do these things cost? 有不会的可以再问我

#15545464109# 每个人需要为这次旅行支付多少钱?英文 - ******
#淳毅#[答案] 每个人需要为这次旅行支付多少钱? How much needs everyone to pay for this trip? 希望可以帮到你 望采纳

#15545464109# 用英语怎样翻译'最便宜的票要多少钱?'、'游客能不乘地铁游伦敦吗? - ******
#淳毅# "The cheapest ticket to want how many money","visitors can not take the subway to swim in London

#15545464109# 凯一路k3多少钱用英语怎么说 - ******
#淳毅# How much is K3 on Kayi Road 多少钱 [词典] how much; [例句]如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给.If you help me, I'll pay you anything.

#15545464109# 在国外坐车必备哪些英语? - ******
#淳毅# 买单程票去a地: single ticket to a 往返票去a地: return ticket to a 其他的什么都不用说,给钱坐就可以了

#15545464109# 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说 - ******
#淳毅# 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说 How much is the freight?How do you charge frieight?运费: freight

#15545464109# 请问从南宁市到越南河内坐车需要多长时间?坐车一共费用多少元?越南? ******
#淳毅# 南宁到河内需要8个钟头哦,南宁-友谊关3个多钟头,友谊关到河内-4个钟头,因为越南段的路不好走.总费用(车费 保险)大概140元. 金莲宾馆:JINLIAN HOTEL 越南语:KHACH SAN KIM LIEN
