你要给他付款吗? 英语怎么说

Will you pay him?
Are you going to send him the payment?

Are you give him the payment? 或者Do you want to pay for him?

Are you to give him the payment?

Are you give him to pay?

Would you like to pay for him?


how much you are gonna pay me?

在商务英语中,“已付款”可以说“account paid”。还可以直接使用“paid”。而“未付款”就可以说“arrearage”或者“non-payment”。
1、They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmer.
2、I paid only £2 for this old book and Mr. Smith offered me double for it.
3、Recent years, the disputes of contract arrearage of engineering construct emerges in endlessly in construct industry.

1、The origin of the arrearage and loans comes from series of important social and historical reasons.
2、Could you please explain, to which project arrearage belongs?
麻烦你可以解释一下该笔欠款是属于什么项目的吗 ?
3、They had evicted their tenants for non-payment of rent.

#13641545179# 你不用和我说对不起,我只要货款,我也要付款给工厂的!翻译成英文 - ******
#冷矿# 我在有道词典上给你找的,You don't have to and I said I'm sorry, I as long as the payment for goods, I also want to pay factory 忘采纳!

#13641545179# 请问一下,"你们真的会付款吗?"用英文怎样说? - ******
#冷矿# 看你是什么意思了:你是想问他有没有意愿付款:Are you willing to pay ...?问他有没有能力付款:Are you able to pay...?...加你要他为什么付款.

#13641545179# 没人付钱给他用英语怎么说 - ******
#冷矿# Nobody gives him money to use.

#13641545179# 赔偿,付款 用英语怎么说? - ******
#冷矿#[答案] compensate (for)v.赔偿 例:He will compensate for the loss.他将赔偿这个损失.compensation .n.赔偿 例 Have they get any compensation?他们得到赔偿了吗?pay(for).v.付款 例 You can pay for my dinner.你可以...

#13641545179# 你还没付钱呢用英语怎么说 - ******
#冷矿# 一般不说你们还没有付钱,而是当发现客人准备离去时说:“所以,总共是500元,先生”之类的话,以此来提醒客人付钱.也就是:"so,that's500dollars,sir"或者对多人:"sogentlemen,yourtotalbillis500dollars.thankyou."如果你实在要那样表达,那就是:i'mafraidyouhaven'tpaidyetsir.

#13641545179# 请问你的付款方式是怎样的英文怎么说 - ******
#冷矿# 请问你的付款方式是怎样的?英文:What's your payment method, please?重点词汇释义:What:什么,多少; …的事物; …的your:你的,你们的; 尊; 玉; 乃payment method:付帐方式please:请; 讨好; 使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢付款方式英文:payment method; the mode of payment

#13641545179# 非常需要您的付款用英语怎么说 - ******
#冷矿# We need your payment urgently. 希望对你有帮助

#13641545179# 你必须为你的书付款 的英文 - ******
#冷矿# You must pay for your books.

#13641545179# Payment will be paid by T/T sight before shipment. - ******
#冷矿# 这句话是讲的是付款方式:货款在装运前电汇支付.也就是说你要拿到钱以后,才准备装运.这个付款方式对你是最为有利的.不是你理解的要把提单复印件传真给客户后他才付款,因为你拿到提单时,船已经开了.一般是船开后三天你才能拿到提单.具体操作你可以先定舱,一般要提前一周,然后将预定的开船日期及船名航次通知客户,然后要求他付款.收到钱后再组织装运.至于后面拿到提单后如何交给客户,可以征求客户的意见,要么快递给客户,或则电放.

#13641545179# 英文问题,关于跟客人要付款 - ******
#冷矿# Could you please make your payment as soon as possible?很正式了
