
can you help me,please?

can you help me

Can you help me?

can you help me


有什么需要帮忙的吗的英文:What can I do for you;我能帮到你什么吗的英文:Can I help you anything
Can 读法 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]

1、v. 开罐
2、aux. 能,可以
3、n. 罐头,开罐器
1、as you can see 正如你所看到的;你是知道的
2、oil can 油壶;加油器
3、can not help 禁不住,忍不住;情不自禁
4、yes we can 是的,我们可以(奥巴马竞选口号)
5、gas can 汽油桶,汽油罐;煤气罐

tin 读法 英 [tɪn] 美 [tɪn]

1、n. 锡;罐头,罐;马口铁
2、adj. 锡制的
3、vt. 涂锡于;给…包马口铁
1、tin plate 马口铁;镀锡铁皮
2、tin coating 镀锡层
3、tin foil n. 保鲜纸,锡纸
4、tin alloy 锡合金
5、tin box 铁盒;锡盒;马口铁罐

翻译:Can you help / assist me?
或者:Can you do me a favour / give me a help / come to my help / lend me a hand / give me a hand?

#13351699386# 您能帮我个忙吗 英文怎么说 - ******
#政浩#[答案] Can you help me? Can you give a hand? Will you please do me a favor to do something(具体看情况)?

#13351699386# “你能给我帮个忙吗?”用英语怎么说 - ******
#政浩# Could/Would give me a hand? 比较婉转Can you help me? 较为直接Could you do me a favor? (do a favour 帮忙)希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢~

#13351699386# 谁来帮帮我用英语怎么说?你能帮我吗?怎么回答? - ******
#政浩#[答案] who can help me? can you help me? sure. Sorry, I got to go.

#13351699386# 你能帮助我写作业吗用英语怎么说Could you please (help) Han Mei do homework - ******
#政浩#[答案] help

#13351699386# 你能帮助我们吗 英语怎么说 - ******
#政浩# can you help us?Mr Wu is busy today, and he want Lily and me to help him.

#13351699386# “你能帮我一下吗?”用英语翻译这句话 - ******
#政浩# Can you heip me? 采纳下

#13351699386# 翻译英语句子你能帮我一下吗 ******
#政浩# 恩,乐意帮助 can you help me ?

#13351699386# “你能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说 - ******
#政浩# can you help me?

#13351699386# 你能在家务方面帮助我吗,用英语怎么说用英语怎么说? - ******
#政浩#[答案] Can you help me with my homework? 楼上那位师兄,这里的 家务活 若强调的话,应该强调“我的家务活”,所以最好用my,而不是用the

#13351699386# “请问您能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说? ******
#政浩# “请问您能帮我一下吗?” Could you please help me? Could you be so kind as to help me? Could you be kind enough to help me? Could you do me a favor? Would you please lend me a hand? I wonder if you would help me. I would appreciate it if you could help me. Please help me, would you?

  • "你愿意帮助我吗?"英语怎么说?
  • 答:Can you help me ?

  • 帮帮我的英文怎么说?
  • 答:帮帮我(help me)的用法 这个简单的短语一般用在口语中,所以它的翻译可以灵活去使用和理解。下面通过一些简单的例句给大家说一下。1、Please help me, I entreat you. 请帮帮我吧,求你了。2、I can't do it ...

  • 你能帮我个忙把灯关上吗?英语怎么说
  • 答:Could you do me a favor to turn off the light?Could you give me a hand to turn off the light?Could you help me to ...

  • 你愿意帮助(help)我吗?翻译成英语句子
  • 答:Are you willing to help me?

  • 请你帮帮我可以吗用英语怎么说
  • 答:请你帮帮我可以吗用英语:Could you give me a hand?

  • 你能帮助我实现我的梦想么 英语怎么说
  • 答:你能帮助我实现我的梦想么 英语怎么说You can help me to make my dream come true.或者You can help me to realize my dream.

  • 请帮助我用英语翻译这句话?
  • 答:你好!你的问题是——请帮助我。翻译成英语可以表达为下面这样——Please give me a hand.Please lend me a hand.Would you please help me?Could you please give me some help?Could you please give me a hand?

  • 你能帮我想个办法吗?英文怎么说~?
  • 答:Can you help me find a way?

  • 有没有人可以帮助我,用英语怎么说。Can anyone help me? Does...
  • 答:我觉得is there anyone (who)(can) help me好一点。有没有who乃至有没有can都挺顺的,口语的话

  • "你想要帮我吗?“用英语怎么说/
  • 答:Would you like to help me!很简单的,祝你加油!
