


The public environment is complex, and there are some factors that may threaten the interests of others. It is difficult to determine how much the positive role of the surveillance camera has played, let alone used by others for personal gain. The purpose of monitoring is to make people safer, not to mention more afraid.


In the process of being monitored, people's body and mind are bound, and the personality characteristics used to distinguish between people are forced to converge under the supervision of the machine. Whether it is for the present living state, or for the future social development, there is a hidden crisis, and where does the freedom and happiness of people come from.


The installation of surveillance cameras in public places can effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient police force, improve the efficiency of police force utilization and avoid unnecessary disputes. At present, the proportion of police per 100 people in our country is far lower than that in developed countries. The social security prevention system in cities is very weak, and the ability of police to control social security situation in dynamic environment needs to be improved.


Through the on-site video monitoring system in places with complex public security, key parts, main streets, areas with frequent cases, important intersections and checkpoints, it can not only intuitively understand and master the security dynamic of the monitoring area, but also fundamentally break the bottleneck of shortage of police officers and insufficient investment. At the same time, in case of some disputes, the monitoring video can also quickly clarify the facts Let the truth come to the surface.


Despite its disadvantages, monitors are necessary for public safety.

尽管有缺点,但是为了公共安全 , 监视器是有必要的。


The public environment is complex, and there are some factors that may threaten the interests of others. It is difficult to determine how much the positive role of the surveillance camera has played, let alone used by others for personal gain. The purpose of monitoring is to make people safer, not to mention more afraid.


In the process of being monitored, people's body and mind are bound, and the personality characteristics used to distinguish between people are forced to converge under the supervision of the machine. Whether it is for the present living state, or for the future social development, there is a hidden crisis, and where does the freedom and happiness of people come from.


The installation of surveillance cameras in public places can effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient police force, improve the efficiency of police force utilization and avoid unnecessary disputes. At present, the proportion of police per 100 people in our country is far lower than that in developed countries. The social security system in cities is very weak, and the ability of police to control social security situation in dynamic environment needs to be improved.


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Video spy cameras, is a high technology camera that is hidden at mistical corners. They are always in schools. These could be good in a way, but could also be bad. To explain my point of view, this paper will describe all essential points.

Firstly, spy cameras in schools are an advantage to tests,since with them we could clear;y look bck at if any one had cheated. This would be a spy on student's honesty too, since there is evidence. However, if there are these cameras spying on these students, they would not have much of a freedom to learn. In school, they are supposed to be free and have happiness, but if there are spies around them, they would be controlled.

Spy cameras could be good in a way, but it also has it's own disadvantage.

#15678215929# 当前城市重要位置增设摄像头是否合理 - ******
#汝环# 这是法律价值冲突的问题不能一概而论.首先,在公共场所设置摄像头多少会侵犯到个人的隐私权.比如恋人在公共场合“亲热”,再比如走在路上不小心“走光”等情况.而设置摄像头的目的一般是为了解决社会秩序的问题.隐私权是基本的...

#15678215929# 安装监控有什么好处? - ******
#汝环# 1.学校 监护学生,加强学校安全管理.2.公共场合 这个不用多说吧.3.医院 一人看管多个病房...4.工厂 节省保安...5.银行 这个是必须的 还有别墅,小区等..要用的行业实在太多了.

#15678215929# 单位为了对付员工偷懒按装摄像头合适吗 - ******
#汝环# 公共场合安装摄像头是可以的,但前提是不能涉及个人隐私.安装之后还要及时告知所拍摄区域的人员,提醒他们注意保护自己的隐私.

#15678215929# 邻居在楼道上安装影响到我家隐私怎么办? - ******
#汝环# 监控摄像头的安装有利也有弊,从积极方面来讲,监控摄像头对个人财产24小时监控,起到一定的保护作用.但是,如果业主在楼道等公共场所安装摄像头则不合法,因为公共场所的监督和管理是一项公权力,私人不能行使此类监督权,如果要安装的话,可以在自家门口安装,而应避免在公共场所安装

#15678215929# 小餐馆装监控会不会影响生意 - ******
#汝环# 小餐馆也属于公共场所,现在公共场所安装监控是很平常的一件事情,也不存在侵犯顾客隐私,我认为对生意一般不会有什么负面影响,装监控的目的首先是为了防盗并保证财产安全,另外还可以还原事件的真像,以及做为事后追塑的依据;对于顾客来说,他来吃饭有监控也放心,不怕东西会丢,假如真的有客人东西丢了,或许可以通过监控找回来,或者给报案提供依据和线索.

#15678215929# 公共场合安装监控会不会侵害个人权利 - ******
#汝环# 公共场合安装监控是合法的,不属于侵犯他人权利. 但是,如果将所涉及他人隐私的录像传播的,则构成侵犯他人隐私权.

#15678215929# 办公室安装摄像头合法吗? ******
#汝环# 因为办公室属于公共场合,所以在办公室安装摄像头就不会侵犯个人的隐私权,所以,也是合法的. 但在公共场合安装摄像头一般要经过公安部门的许可,这个就要看你们那里有没有这样规定了.

#15678215929# 为什么所有的公共场所和重要路段要安装摄像头,经常看电视感觉画面很差劲.给警察办案带来很大程度的困难 ******
#汝环# 会有一定难度的.但是侦查手段单是靠这个的

#15678215929# 学校安装摄像头好吗? - ******
#汝环# 不好,虽然方便了管理但涉及到学生们的隐私

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  • 答:因为你是手机提问,所以回答长度有限制,不能完整回答,只能截图给你看。手工翻译 脑力结晶 请采纳 谢谢!朋友,麻烦采纳下你的问题,不枉我的辛苦付出,谢谢!

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