
I am going to die!

I am going to die!

I am dying.


A famous historical site in Egypt, Sphinx is situated at the southwest of Cairo,next to the Great Pyramid of Giza. These two sites are top representitives for ancient Egyptian civilization. Sphinx has a height of 21 meters, a length of 57 meters, and a 2-meter-long ear. The entire statue is carved on a huge stone mixed with shell except its 15-meter front-extending lion talon inlayed.The face of the Great Sphinx is believed to be the head of the pharaoh Khafra,King of the fourth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. It is said that in 2611BC, Khafra went to inspect his mausoleum, Pyramid Khapfra and asked for a statue carved as himself.The artisan unconventionally carved a lion body, but made lion's head as pharaoh's face.In ancient Egypt, lion is the symbol of power.Actually the statue of lion-body-and-human-face is a portrayal of Egyptian pharaoh.The statue sites at west and faces east,crouching besides the mausoleum of Khapfra. As it looks like a monster Sphinx in Greek mythology, western person calls it "Sphinx". Originally Sphinx wears a imperial crown on head, a saint snake relief on forehead, long beard in the jaw and necklace of its neck. However after millemium years of blowing,raining,drying and burying, the crown and necklace dispeared.The saint snake relief is selected under the statue in 1818 by an English-Italian Kaffilia and has given to the Great Britain museum. Its beard cracked into several parts, two of which are saved in Egyptian museum, and one in Britain museum(now given back to Egypt).Sphinx's nose lost a large part, which is said wiped out by the Napoleon soldier invading Egypt.However it was just a rumor.Actually it was squashed in Middle Ages by Islam Sufi pilgrimage.Experiencing 4000 years, Sphinx has troubles all over.It is tattered and torned, especially its neck and chest.In October,1981,the stone of the its left leg slided and formed a hole which is 2 meters wide and 3 meters long.In February, 1988, two huge stones of its right shoulder fell down,one of the stone mounted 2000 kilograms.

The little girl was tripped by a rock. She stood up and ran back home to look for her parents. She found her mother. She told her that there were many big rocks on the roadside.

#18483662725# 整天闲着,无聊,我快要死了怎么翻译 - ******
#毋谭# 你好,很高兴为你解答 翻译为:Idle all day, boring, I am going to die.希望对你有帮助

#18483662725# 也许,我真的就快要死了. 英文翻译是怎样? - ******
#毋谭# Perhaps I really going to die on 呵呵 你想把这个当你的个性签名?

#18483662725# 我是不是快要死了英语 - ******
#毋谭# I'm about to die. 千万别想不开啊.万一死了,也没人拦着.

#18483662725# 我死了英文怎么翻译? - ******
#毋谭# I am dying 指的应该是垂死挣扎,将要死了的含义

#18483662725# 一小段英语短文的翻译,好心人帮忙 - ******
#毋谭# 我哭喊道:“我快要死了.我快要死了.救救我.我还没准备好(死去).我还没准备好!”我向前蜷缩着,膝盖压着脸颊和进我的手指.我看着手指的背面愚蠢的发现脆弱的白色毛发在从毛孔中长出来(很灵异不懂什么意思变身么?).手指很快就会不复存在了.不知怎么地那迫在眉睫我对死亡的恐惧已经可怕到我都无法为之哭泣了.忽然我开始注意到了那晃动停止了.可能我就要死了.我直接看着翻译的希望对你有帮助.

#18483662725# 我快要笑死了的英语怎么翻译 - ******
#毋谭# 可以说,I'm going to laugh so hard. 我很用力的在笑,也就是我快笑死了. 比较俚语一些的说法是:I'm gonna laugh my ass off. 另外,这个词在网路上的缩写为:IMAO (Laugh My Ass Off) 另外,lsd说的laugh to death是典型的Chinglish(中式英文).英语里没这样的说法.

#18483662725# 英语翻译我还活着 但快死了是不是 I still alive,but to dead - ******
#毋谭#[答案] 不是 应该是 I'm still alive but about to die.

#18483662725# 我想死怎么翻译成英语啊?~~~~ ******
#毋谭# 直接点的:I wanna die!婉转点的:I dont want to live anymore!诗情画意点的:I wish not to see tomorrow's sunrise. I am going to take my very last breath and close my eyes to enjoy the heaven. I am going to enter the world of Eternity!

#18483662725# “我现在想死”怎么翻译成英文 - ******
#毋谭# 我现在想死 Now I want to die 我现在想死 Now I want to die

#18483662725# "我快要死的时候你才知道我爱你 " 求翻译、 ******
#毋谭# when i am dying ,you grow to know i love you be dying 译为:快死了. 不是正在死.

  • 我快要死了!(翻译成英文)
  • 答:I am going to die!

  • 我要快死了,怎么翻译???
  • 答:I was tired to death

  • 我累得快要死了!英文怎样说
  • 答:I am tired to death. 或者I am exhausted.都可以

  • 我痛苦的快死了 英语怎么说
  • 答:我痛苦的快死了 英文翻译:I feel very pain as if I'm going to die.重点词汇释义:feel:感觉; 认为; 触摸; 试探; 感觉,觉得; 认为,以为; 感受; 触觉; 觉得; 摸索 very:很,非常; 恰好是,正是; 十足的; 特有的; 充分,完全 pain:痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厌烦的人[事物]; 身体某部分的...

  • 我感到难受 要死了 翻译成英语该怎么说
  • 答:I am feeling rather terrible.I am dying!or I am feeling teriible to death!祝你开心如意!

  • 感觉快死了 英文
  • 答:2015-05-30 感觉快要死了用意大利语翻译 2014-09-28 今天累死我了。用英语怎么说 8 2016-01-28 为什么英文的死一般要用过去式? 2 2015-04-01 全身不舒服,要死的感觉.粤语翻译这句 1 2016-03-29 好烦啊 觉得自己一点进步都没有 我觉得考研英语要死了。。。更多...

  • 英语专八翻译:我们都快死了是什么意思?
  • 答:有一些好的消息和一些令人不快的消息对于你(作为这个笑话去)。坏消息是,我们都快死了。这是真的。我已经查过了。事实上,我已经查过两遍了。我已经有信息技术证实和好有不容易的方法到说是的,我们快死了。It's something that I always kind of knew,but never really chose to think about...

  • 我快要笑死了的英语怎么翻译
  • 答:可以说,I'm going to laugh so hard. 我很用力的在笑,也就是我快笑死了。比较俚语一些的说法是:I'm gonna laugh my ass off. 另外,这个词在网路上的缩写为:IMAO (Laugh My Ass Off)另外,lsd说的laugh to death是典型的Chinglish(中式英文)。英语里没这样的说法。

  • 我要累死了 英语怎么翻译
  • 答:I am exhausted.我累死了!I'm dead beat.累死了。I was tired to death.我累死了。

  • “我真该死” 用英语怎么说.?
  • 答:I am confound it.我真该死例句:1."Confound it! " exclaimed the sailor.“该死!”水手喊道。2.Confound it, I just expect the wind has blowed it to us.该死,我估摸着风已经把它吹给我们了吧。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论 1 1 绝情老鼠 采纳率:58% 擅长: 英语翻译 教育/科学 外语学习 ...
