如果航班延误了,用英语问:我们还需要等多长时间 怎么说?

how long should we keep waiting?

How longer do we have to wait?
比较礼貌的说法是Could you please tell me how longer we have to wait?

How long do we need to wait?


It will take a long time


你在这里工作了多长时间了? 翻译成英语是:

How long have you been working here?

#15371953388# 【英文翻译】延误通知 - ******
#赫琬# 您好,很高兴为您解答如下:我很抱歉,由于航空公司的原因,原计划28号到德国的航班现在改成31号到德国. I am so sorry that due to reason in the ariline, the flight of 28th to Germany has been delayed/changed to that of 31st.----------------------------------- ★倾情奉献★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ -----------------------------------

#15371953388# 飞机延误有补助吗?说什么空中管制,飞机延误了,有补助吗? ******
#赫琬# 一般是有的

#15371953388# 飞机晚点五小时的通知英文作文 - ******
#赫琬# 飞机晚点 他的通告一般上应该是这样的: Dear passengers,flight xxxx(班机号码如A1234) from xxx(地名) to xxx(目的地) on xxxx(时间) is going to delay.

#15371953388# 用什么词汇来形容航班延误 - ******
#赫琬# delayed delay /dɪˈleɪ/ CET4 TEM4 (delaying,delayed,delays)1.V-T/V-I If you delay doing something, you do not do it immediately or at the planned or expected time, but you leave it until later. 推迟 例:For sentimental reasons I wanted to delay ...

#15371953388# 晚点晚多久等候通知英文 - ******
#赫琬# 晚点晚多久等候通知 How late to wait for notification 晚点晚多久等候通知 How late to wait for notification

#15371953388# 由于糟糕的天气航班晚点了的英语 - ******
#赫琬# our flight is undergoing a serious delay due to the weather

#15371953388# 用 英文怎么说,航班延迟到6月20号可以吗 - ******
#赫琬# 航班延迟到6月20号可以吗? Will the flight be delayed until June 20th? delay 英 [dɪˈleɪ] 美 [dɪˈle] n. 耽搁;延迟,拖延;被耽搁或推迟的时间 vt. 耽搁;延期,推迟 vi. 延缓,延期 第三人称单数: delays 现在分词: delaying 过去式: delayed 过去分词: delayed 形近词: allay unlay adlay relay belay

#15371953388# 由于天气不好我的航班推迟了用英语怎么说 - ******
#赫琬# 由于天气不好我的航班推迟了用英语怎么说 My flight was put off due to the bad weather .

#15371953388# 请教:如果飞机晚点?请教:如果飞机晚点了 ******
#赫琬# 可能.所以转机时间尽量留的充分些.万一头个航班延误而导致乘不上后续航班,可以要求延误的航空公司负责安排.

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