
Hoe to pronounce it by English?
Please spell it.
Is that a dictionary?
what color is it?
How are you?
nice to meet you1
Is this your bag?
No, it's not. it is its bag.
that is a clock.
Yes, it is.
This is my erase, it's hers.
This is a red pencil sharpener。
how did you finish to spell it?

1. How do you say this in English?
2. Please spell and read it.
3. Is that a dictionary?
4. What color is it?
5. How are you?/ How do you do? (用语初次见面)
6. Nice to meet you.
7. Is this your bag?
8. No, it isn't. It's his bag.
9. That is a clock.
10. Yes, it is.
11. This is not my eraser. It's hers.
12. It's a red pencilsharpener.
13. How do you spell it?

这用英语怎么说?how to say it in english?
2,请拼读它。please spell it.
3,那是一本字典吗?is that a dictionary.
4,它是什么颜色?what color it is?
5,你好吗?how are you?
6,见到你很高兴。nice to meet you.
7,这是你的背包吗?is this your bag/backbag?
8,不,它不是,它是它的背包。no,it isn't.it is its/his.
9,那是一个闹钟。that is a clock.
10,是的,它是。yes,it is.
11,这不是我的橡皮擦,它是她的橡皮擦。this is not my earse,it's hers.
12,它是一个红色的卷笔刀。it is a red pencil sharpener.
13,你是怎样拼写完的。how did you spell it?

1.How to speek it in English?
2.Spell it please.
3.Is that a dictionary?
4.What the colour of it?
5.How are you?
6.Nice to meet you.
7.Is this your bag?
8.No, it isn't.It's his/her(男/女) bag.
9.That is an alarm clock.
10.Yes ,it is .
11.It is't my erase,it's hers.
12.It is a red sharpener.
13.How can you finish your spelling?

1, how to say it in English?
2, please spell it.
3, it is a dictionary?
4, which is what color?
5, are you?
6, to see you happy.
7, this is your bag do?
8, no, it is not, it is its backpack.
9, it is an alarm clock.
10, yes, it is.
11, this is not my eraser, it is her eraser.
12, it is a red pencil sharpener.
13 How do you spell end of.


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#19281699998# 帮我把下列句子翻译成英文,勿用在线翻译,谢谢. ******
#唐甄# 1 When something is lost ,it is lost forever 2 The one who looks like happily is always lonely inside 3 Actually speaking , you don't know me,and also I don't know you 4 I really can't accept it 5 Who do you think you are ?(喜欢这句话) 都是直译的,喜欢给分,谢谢采纳.

#19281699998# 翻译句子 英译中 在线等 - ******
#唐甄# 是上帝派我来给你希望的.work out有 努力做好;刻骨完成;创立(理论);详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解决;开采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务)的意思.

#19281699998# 一些中文句子翻译成英文 - ******
#唐甄# 1.他正在房间里休息 He is having a break in the room2.我一定在哪儿见过你 I must have met you somewhere.3.你不可能没通过考试 It is no possibility that you haven't passed the exam.4.如果我是你,我现在就在家休息 If I were you,I will stay at home and have a rest.5.如果早晨他不叫我的话,我上学就迟到了 If he hadn't called me this morning,I would have been late for school.

#19281699998# 把句子翻译成英文! - ******
#唐甄# If the world abandons SuperJunior, E.L.F. will betray the whole world.

#19281699998# 在线等翻译句子 ******
#唐甄# 1. I want some water .(I want some to drink) 2. I would like to buy a bottle of water . 3. I want you to buy me two bottles of water . 4. He was certainly in assignments . 5. My Gege Di el was certainly not in the piano. 6. They were certainly very poor. 7. ...

#19281699998# 在线等英语句子翻译 - ******
#唐甄# XX 考试笔试通过,口试在考(1) XX has passed his or her written examination and he /she is taking the oral examination (2) XX's written examination has passed and she /he i...

#19281699998# 谁帮我把这个句子翻译成英语...谢谢,在线等 - ******
#唐甄# your words are just some shit stop farting with your mouth....百度能写这个吗..

#19281699998# 句子翻译,(中~英)在线等, - ******
#唐甄# 1.我昨天和同学一起去爬山.1. Yesterday I go mountain climbing with my classmates.2.去年暑假我和父母一起去了美国.2. Last summer I together with their parents to the United States.3.你们一家人上周去了哪里呢?3. Where are you all last ...

#19281699998# 句子翻译!在线等~~~~~~ - ******
#唐甄# 1.They were allowed speacking in the classroom after class. 2.The doctor advised my father to quit smoking 3. Someone heard they sang a song 4. You will find that it is necessary to go to learn how to wash it clean 5. He told me that I have to finish ...

#19281699998# 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子!!很简单!在线等 - ******
#唐甄# 你这个都有主语啊,就用sb代替吧1 sb play with brothers and sisters.2 sb eat delicious country cooking of organic vegetables with family. 这里你要是写作文话完全可以用vegetables代替country cooking of organic vegetables.这是很地道的说法....

  • 把我打的句子翻译成英文,在线等
  • 答:1,这用英语怎么说?Hoe to pronounce it by English?2,请拼读它。Please spell it.3,那是一本字典吗?Is that a dictionary?4,它是什么颜色?what color is it?5,你好吗?How are you?6,见到你很高兴。nice...

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  • 答:可以试试微信小程序迅捷翻译,操作方法也比较简单。打开微信,点击搜索找到小程序,然后点击输入你想要翻译的中文文字。以中文翻译英文为例,小程序默认是中译英,所以不用调整翻译的语言。中文输入好之后,点击翻译按钮,即可将...

  • 有没有一种软件就是我说中文就能立刻翻译成英文,最好是语音的
  • 答:1.Talk To Me Cloud :非常给力的一款语音翻译软件,能识别包括中文在内的15种语言,并且能输出30种语言的语音片段,你只需要轻轻一按或者手动输入字符就能开始翻译并输出语音字段。2、随身译:可以翻译任何句子或者短语到任...

  • 手机拍照怎样把中文翻译成英文?
  • 答:1、打开手机的支付宝,点击扫一扫。2、在扫一扫界面,点击翻译。3、在翻译界面,在顶部选择中文翻译成英文。4、对准想要翻译的内容扫一扫,识别完成后就可以翻译出来,翻译内容会将原有的文字覆盖,如下。注意事项:1、如果是...

  • 微信上怎么把中文翻译成英文?
  • 答:微信上把中文翻译成英文的操作方法如下:1、打开微信,在微信里找到设置打开进入。2、进入设置后,找到通用,下图所示,打开。3、进入通用后,可以看到有个多语言选项,点击。4、点击多语言后,在弹出的选项内选择English,...

  • “打”用英文怎么说?
  • 答:一、“打”的英文是hit,音标英 [hɪt]、美 [hɪt]。二、释义:1、vt.& vi.打,打击;碰撞 He hit me, so I struck him back.他打了我,所以我才还手打他。2、vt.击(球);(在精神上)打击(...

  • (我被打了) 英语翻译
  • 答:我被打了之后,回到码头去找我的孩子。词汇解析:beaten 英文发音:[ˈbiːtn]中文释义:v.(在比赛或竞争中)赢,打败(某人);控制;难倒 beat的过去分词 例句:They were beaten to death with baseball bats....

  • 如何将整篇中文word文档翻译成英文
  • 答:以WPS 2019版为例,有两种办法供参考 第一种方法:全文翻译 1. 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“全文翻译”2. 在弹出框根据需求进行选择,点击开始翻译即可 第二种方法:划词翻译 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“...

  • 臭女人,不说是吧,给我狠狠地打。翻译成英语怎么说?
  • 答:臭女人,不说是吧,给我狠狠地打。Smelly woman, don't say, hit me hard.重点词汇 女人 woman ; womenfolk ; wife 狠狠地 brutally ; cruelly ; mercilessly ; severely

  • 怎样把我打的英语翻译成汉意
  • 答:i type in english.
