
[abstract] the development of modern logistics industry, is closely related to the economic growth of the world. Port as an important link in modern logistics chain, with its unique location advantage and the advantage of infrastructure, in the modern comprehensive logistics system plays an increasingly important role. Efficient modern logistics has become a key support to regional economic development and industrial structure upgrade, port logistics can also become a focus in the study of different countries and regions. Xiamen as one of the important port in our country, should play a leading port of the west coast of Taiwan strait, give play to the port of radiation and is focused on the function, and national service on both sides of the strait. This article hopes to build xiamen into a container hub port of investigation and analysis, this paper discusses the direction ?


Development [Abstract] of modern logistics industry, is closely related with the world economic growth. Port is an important part of modern logistics chain, with its unique advantage of location and infrastructure advantages, is playing an increasingly important role in the modern comprehensive logistics system. Modern port logistics efficiency has become an important support for the upgrading of regional economic development and industrial structure, the port logistics has become the focus of the study on the nature of each country, region. Xiamen port is an important port in China, should play a leading role in the west of the port, play radiation and focusing function of the port, on both sides of the Strait and the national service. This paper hopes to become the hub port in Xiamen port construction of research and analysis of this direction, finds the main problems existing with Xiamen port, port logistics knowledge, combined with the data for quantitative analysis, put forward the strategic target and development strategy for the future development of Xiamen port construction.

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With the knowledge economy and the development of economic globalization, competition among enterprises is growing performance culture of competition. Based on the simple concept of marketing and marketing on the theory of 4 PS, 4CS, 4RS theory of the initial study, and culture, corporate culture concept to a shallow analysis, leads to a culture of the concept of marketing, and on marketing, corporate culture , Cultural marketing between the three closely related to that culture of marketing in today's society the importance of the proposed construction of China's enterprises in the cultural aspects of defects and how enterprises can better cultural marketing. Wen quoted business case to illustrate exposition.

As computers coming into every familiy,just like how the televitions becoming popular in the 80s and 90s last century,Internet is coming to be a indispensable part of our daily life.As a kind of newborn thing,the network language,which is produced by network media,will bring big impact to the traditional language,as well as the traditional moral.This dissertation will analyse and discuss the type of the network language and its civilization.

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  • 答:[abstract] the development of modern logistics industry, is closely related to the economic growth of the world. Port as an important link in modern logistics chain, with its unique location advantage and the ...

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