
Crown Greece, hello.
I am one love your faithful gruel, recently heard you must resurface, we really good happy, sometimes sleeps can cluck-cluck smile awakes.The gruel knew that, these for year you received very many pain, the gruel good have really loved dearly, saw your thin and pale facial cast, the gruel could cry, you had certainly to look after well oneself, regardless of you have handled any matter, the gruel really could support you continuously in the behind, supported you silently, the gruel forever all to did not abandon to you.
Greece, 29 years old, your birthday gruel has not been able to accompany this year side you, but the next year, the gruel will certainly be able to pray for heavenly blessing you in yours one's side,
Loves your gruel
In October, 2009 26

Crown Greek, hello.

     I am a loyal porridge love you, I recently heard that you are making a comeback, we really get excited and sometimes laugh Ka Lolo would wake up to sleep. Gruel know, this year you have had a lot of suffering, porridge is really good sad to see you gaunt face, porridge cry, you must take good care of their own ah, no matter what you do, porridge really are behind the scenes has been supporting you, silently support you, you always stubbornly persists, rice porridge.

     Greek, 29 years old, this year your birthday porridge could not accompany you around, but the next year, the porridge will bless you in your side, and

                                                    Love your porridge

                                               October 2009 26

Crown Greek, hello.

I am a loyal porridge love you, I recently heard that you are making a comeback。we really get excited and sometimes laugh Ka Lolo would wake up to sleep. Gruel know, this year you have had a lot of suffering, porridge is really good sad to see you gaunt face, porridge cry, you must take good care of their own ah, no matter what you do, porridge really are behind the scenes has been supporting you, silently support you, you always stubbornly persists, rice porridge.

Greek, 29 years old, this year your birthday porridge could not accompany you around, but the next year, the porridge will bless you in your side, and

Love your porridge

October 2009 26

陈冠希那么龌龊,居然还有人这么喜欢他! = =#


Nowadays, the computer in business illustrations commonly in the application. No matter how advanced computer technology, stylist hand-drawn can better and faster express their design ideas, computer is always cannot replace hand-painted strong expressive. Design the core is a kind of creative thinking, a kind of solving the problem. The article puts forward the characteristics and to hand-painted illustration style, expression, skills and modern business illustrations in hand-drawn examples of use in research and analysis, better reflect the use of commercial illustration in hand

Every time you kiss me I’m still not certain that you love me,
Every time you hold me I’m still not certain that you care
Though you keep on saying you really, really, really love me
Do you speak the same words to someone else when I’m not there.

Suspicion torments my heart,
Suspicion keeps us apart,
Suspicion why torture me.


#19458613854# 英语题(初中)——懂英语的请进 - ******
#易钟# 1.应该是to live,没有inlive 的意思为-生存而live in的意思为-住进这句话的意思应该为 如果人类继续砍伐树木,他们(应该是动物吧...)就无处可活.是有些住在树里面,但是应该不...

#19458613854# 懂英语的高手请进我想找几个跟name有关的英语句子,就像是那一句,“as his name is,so is he.”(人如其名)越多越好.当然啦,要有翻译.回答得我很满... - ******
#易钟#[答案] A man dies,his name remains.它是来自麦克阿瑟将军的著名演讲-老战士永远不死.应翻译成:英明永存 A good name is better than riches.好名誉胜过有财富A good name is earlier lost than won.失去美名易,得到美名...

#19458613854# 懂英语的人请进!帮忙翻译一句话 ******
#易钟# 请确保你自己短短几十年的生命中从没有任何遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,压抑自己是没有任何意义的.

#19458613854# 求译一段英文电影台词.懂英语的就请进,单词很简单,但不知该怎样译出最恰当的意思台词是:There are some people lose faith because heaven show them ... - ******
#易钟#[答案] There are some people lose faith because heaven show them too little,but how many people lose their faith because heaven show them too much?有些人因为上苍很少眷顾他们而丧失信仰.可是,因为上苍对他们恩宠...

#19458613854# 一段超级费解的英语!高手请进!文章如下:Finda guilltine,switch it off and put both first teleport and amagnet underneath it.Tmmediately run away from ... - ******
#易钟#[答案] 这个应该是游戏中的通关提示吧~ 中间有些单词拼错了,所以确实费解= =大概意思是:芬达(?怀疑是名字之类的专有名词... (应该是道具的名字,直译的话是“心灵运输”)和磁铁(应该是另一个道具)放到它(断头台)下面.迅速从下面跑出来以...

#19458613854# 英语好的请进!帮我翻译一段话. ******
#易钟# --Do I have another day to live? --No. --So, sorry, I couldn't be your girlfriend for my life. --If I have wings, I'll fly to see you from the heaven. --Do I have wings? --No. --So, sorry, I'll never see you again. --My flame of love to you would not be extinguished ...

#19458613854# 懂英语的请进. ******
#易钟# 饶郝知道吗我仍然爱你,不知道我现在是多么大,嘿,,,,,,你这句话貌似是英汉结合而成的

#19458613854# 求翻译一段文字,懂英文或法文的请进,要求极度富有文采. - ******
#易钟# 此特佳XO白兰地,皇家尊贵,已然在小小的橡木桶中悉心酝酿数十载,在一条河边,在一个酒窖里.因其卓越的陈化条件,此独一无二,特佳陈年白兰地,将成为您会朋聚友,觥筹交错的迷人使者.

#19458613854# 英文翻译请将下面一段话翻译成英文,谢谢了“首先,我会先请学员做一下自我介绍;然后针对他的发音及流利程度让他阅读一篇或几篇小文章;最后根据他... - ******
#易钟#[答案] First of all,I will let the student introduce himself/herself,then I will let him/her read one or several paragraphs according to his/her pronunciation and fluency,finally I will recommend a suitable ...

#19458613854# 懂英语的朋友请进 ******
#易钟# 此电子邮件,并给它的任何附件包含机密信息,旨在为个人单是使用谁 是addressed.If你不是预期的收件人或接收意外,请立即通知通过电子邮件发送和删除 邮件并从您的计算机系统的任何附件,并销毁所有的硬拷贝.如果有的话,请注意,任何未经授权的 披露,复制,分发或采取任何行动或遗漏这个依赖,是非法,加以禁止.此外,任何意见 或所表达的意见均属作者的观点,并不代表华硕的.谢谢您的合作.

  • 懂英语的人请进,请把下面的一段话翻译成英文
  • 答:Crown Greece, hello.I am one love your faithful gruel, recently heard you must resurface, we really good happy, sometimes sleeps can cluck-cluck smile awakes.The gruel knew that, these for year you received...

  • 会英语的进来吧!请帮我翻译一下以下这段话。
  • 答:画一张椅子。把它涂成红色。画一张床铺。把它涂成绿色。画一张美图。把它画在墙上。

  • 英语达人请进!!帮我把下面这一段翻译成正宗的英文,最好不要有语病,谢谢...
  • 答:when i came to Singapore 2 months ago, everything was fresh to me ,but now, this feeling becomes bore.i can still remember the first night when i came here,there was a wonderful smell in the small r...

  • 英语达人请进,帮忙翻译一小段,很简单的一小段
  • 答:Elsa 怀疑, 这样一个美妙的站点存在了和沈默地告诉自己为什么是只然后她得知地方。为什么只然后当她是死?Elsa 挪远了,然后坐在一棵斜倚的棕榈树旁边, 倾斜的上身倚靠着坚硬的树干。大约二个月前面, 拷打的痛苦在她的骨头...

  • 英语高手进。请将下面一段话翻译成英文,尽量用简单的单词,急,在线等
  • 答:The director of luck WangGongMei in daily work, always carry a small notepad. She often picked up a pen to inside make some records, when leisure open notebook to browse. Small notebook, WangGongMei why...

  • 翻译一段话。。懂英语的请进。
  • 答:though we lost one person, the class is still here. However, in this room with only 55 people left, there is a corner losing no matter how you look at it. What was left was only an empty chair, ...

  • 英语好的人事请进,帮我翻译一段文字,谢谢!
  • 答:everyone needs a friend to rely on 每个人都需要一个可以依赖的朋友 When the whole world is gone 当全世界都离你而去 you won't be alone 'cause I'll be there 你将不会孤独,因为有我 I'll be you...

  • 求译一段英文电影台词.懂英语的就请进,单词很简单,但不知该怎样译出最...
  • 答:show them too little, but how many people lose their faith because heaven show them too much?有些人因为上苍很少眷顾他们而丧失信仰。可是,因为上苍对他们恩宠有加而丧失信仰的又有几人呢?-- 满有哲理的!!

  • 111111英语高手请进 帮我翻译下面一段话, 因为我还要翻译成日语, 所以...
  • 答:汉语:我们必须考虑进一步拓展的一线,即减少了一生,通过碰撞,受激放射(如激光、cf. section3.4.5)或所引起的多普勒位移作为分子的相对运动和观察者。通过扩大的碰撞诱导和发射谱线,过程,导致均匀的形状,而多普勒洛伦兹,作为一...

  • 英语高手,请进...帮忙翻译一小段话...
  • 答:To review the reformation process, to explore a successful career and to plan the university life is the main topic for this activity. (1) After 10 days journalist life, students (2) had gained the first ...
